Friday, May 6, 2016

Visit the Library part 1

I am a book-a-holic. I can read easily three books at once without losing the train of thought in each. Books are my vacation, my day dreams, my childhood, my teachers. How did I get so involved in books?

Dr Doolittle series. If you haven't read them, you really should.

It began with the library.

Mills Community House is the only remaining building from the Benzonia Academy. It is a proud building with front steps leading up to double doors. A stately Mission-style grandfather clock ticks away the words being read in the children's section, in the Michigan Room, in the non-fiction or fiction, in the periodicals.It is a three-story building, where I used to meet for Girl Scouts and my brother went to preschool in the basement. The top story, amazingly enough, was a gymnasium and is now used for plays and craft fairs and more.
The amazing old grandfather clock

Bet my name is still on the library card in these!

Books came before even swimming (and you couldn't keep me out of the water of Crystal Lake!) As soon as I was able to, I would take out six or more books on loan and be done with them before the two weeks were even half gone. So many old friends remain in the library, I am glad to see. Walter Farley's "The Black Stallion" series, the Dr Dolittle series, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew still hold a place at the Benzonia Public Library, which is center stage at the Mills Community House.

The library has undergone a recent remodel. It was scary thinking the old hallowed halls were going to be modernized but I do think it is a job well done. It certainly was needed. The bathroom is a real blessing! (Anyone else slightly scared when having to use the old facilities?) I do miss some things: The mission style furnishings, the podium with the wonderful huge Dictionary on it. Some of the old familiar titles have moved on.
A great place to read local history, check the news paper, or just settle in and read.

There are computer stations at the library, of course. Searching for for title, author, or topic is now done without pulling out the little drawers from the alphabetical file boxes. Library cards are electronic as well. But no fear! So many people prefer the feel of a book in hand, the smell of paper, the magic of turning the page, that our libraries are quite secure, thank you. I miss seeing the names and dates on the book cards. There was something satisfying in seeing who else enjoyed a favored book.

The neat thing, now a days, is the events, services, lectures, reading programs, and of course, the Bruce Catton writing contest, targeted for young writers in the local schools here. Bruce Catton was well known for his civil war books and local history, and was pretty much raised at the Academy. The submitted writings for this contest are well worth reading!

The library is much beloved by many of us who grew up here. This library is one of three in the county, the oldest and most historic. Lots of rainy day fun is inside, lots of good books as well. 

For history buffs, like I am becoming, there is a great deal of materials within these walls. The original copies of our local papers dating back to the late 1800s. These are also available online through the Benzie Shores District Library website, and a link is included in the Benzonia Public Library's web site as well. It is so interesting to  read some of the old articles. Even the advertisements are amazing.
A collection of books from the Benzonia Academy are highlighted in this beautiful bookshelf.

These two historic markers are located at the front of the Mills Community House grounds. 

Next stop: Darcy Library, Beulah, Michigan

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