Friday, September 18, 2015

Life, interupted

All of the sudden, things happened.

I went to a yard sale. Two, actually. And because I did that, I am now working in the medical profession again. The first yard sale happened to be someone who worked at the clinic I now work in. The second yard sale was the head MA, a Baker College classmate. A new doctor was coming to the Mansitee office, and I would be his MA.

So, I am working lots, learning lots, and doing lots. I am glad to be doing what I went to college for, and amazed at how much is coming back to me for the clinical aspects.

We are going to be moving soon, too. Back to the house I grew up in. There are some complications but that is just how life is. Whether or not it is easy, we will be moved out of our old cabin and into the old house by the end of October.

I lost a friend. His heart had been broken for years, but now it is fixed forever. I know I will see him again, but it is hard.

But all this change is costing me writing time.

Please hang in there, I will be posting stories again soon! I promise!