Thursday, July 16, 2015

Brilliant Ideas For Benzie

It should be clear that I love my home. It has always been an enchanting place with all the lakes and rivers and dunes and woods. It is home!
An old postcard of Vintage Beulah, Michigan

What makes me sad is the many empty storefronts and the changes to community. The changes were brought about by the big stores up in Traverse City staring with Tempo and Giantway going all the way up to Walmart, Meijers, and all the drug stores and other sundry businesses. Before these changes, we had well loved, unique business run by our friends and neighbors. The Village Shoppe and the Village Squire, Dort's Shoe Box, Classens, to name just a few. There are some good businesses in the are still, like Hulls in Frankfort, the Cherry Hut in Beulah (who just remodeled or rebuilt their outlet store up on the hill in Benzonia! It looks very nice!)

But I miss the bustling downtown!

I have some ideas. Please, someone take these ideas and make them so! I don't see any reason why, if the right person or group is involved, we could not be very successful with business and resources like this in Benzie County.

1. Have you been to the Wex or the Kaliseum? Benzie needs a facility like this. We have kids who bowl and play hockey in Benzie, why should they have to leave the county to participate in these sports? If you are questioning a bowling alley in a sports facility, I don't see why. We need one here! This facility would also be opened for events like a motorcycle show, community indoor yard sales and crafts shows, job fairs, you name it!

Just outside Honor, there sits vacent property that was a car dealership. Lots of space, room for parking, and a great location near the drive in Theater. Picture this! It would be awesome! Call it the Benzie Dome, Crystal Arena, or what ever, but get it done!
Another possible site is where the old auction barns are, but I really would hate to see them torn down. 

2. A booming trend in local business is the microbrewery restaurant. How about a soda pop brewery with real root beer, birch beer, sasperilla? How about having family soda pop tasting parties? Why wouldn't that be a good idea? A perfect location would be Kinney's Garage in Beulah: Big windows and solid building! A classic car motif and a vibrant energy would wake the town right up.

3. While driving through Elberta, I noticed that the old library is for sale. Some years ago, I was at a yard sale at the old LaRue house. The lady there told us she had a medical museum and proceded to give us a tour. So interesting! She has even some things that were at Dr Covey's of Honor. It is a shame that more people do not know of her remarkable collection. Why not sponser the old library into a medical museum and showcase this collection? Paul Oliver history could be highlighted as well, This way, the historic bell tower could be kept safe as well as a part of Elberta's proud history. Keep the stories alive. 

3.  Finally, my pet project. 
Comic Cons and similar events are a growing trend. Who doesn't like to dress up and play make believe? My daughter participates in our Cherry Capital Con up in Traverse City and has gone to Youmacon and  Chicago Comic Con. Participants have some really elaborate costumes and are ordering from online sites. There is a market waiting for this kind of business! I am picturing a guild of seamstresses and tailors, a group of talented people who enjoy creating. One lady who inspired my idea makes and sells beautiful cloaks and has done historic dresses.  So, a group owned business, both online and brick and mortar store. Key components I picture follow: Annual fashion shows. Involvement of local students from high schools and even middle school in creating costumes from scrap and junk, sponsored by local businesses. A contest with potential to reach quite far! Parades. Family friendly environment, please. Some costumes are pretty risque and are not the market I see here. A community costume party and contest not on Hallowe'en would be awesome fun. I even have a name for it: Costume Mage.

It is time to see beyond the limitations of being a tourist destination, or the smallest county in Michigan. It is time to think big, stretch, and get going. So, here are some ideas. Have at her! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cycle-Moore: Moore than you might expect!

Up north, between Honor and Traverse City, Michigan, on the corner of US 31 and Gonder Road, there is an orange and black brick building. This is Cycle-Moore shop and campground. In the winter the campgrounds are decorated with lights and figures for families to enjoy. Have you ever stopped in? Well, you should!

Cycle-Moore was founded in 1975 by Steven and Shirley Moore. Their website gives a good glimpse into the heart and soul of this couple and their family. Long-time bikers, both of them, with one heck of a good story to tell.

If you love motorcycles at all, you must stop in to see the museum. I plan on interviewing Steve and Shirley in the near future, but here's a taste of what you will see there. I look around every time I go there and still find something new to see!
Pedal cars, kid sized bicycles that look like Harleys, old,new, there is tons of things to see!

Award winning bikes of all makes and vintages
Don't forget to look up!

Lots of memerobelia on the walls... 

Great idea for  a mailbox!

Currently on display in the front of the shop, this old cushman based scooter was the work of a couple of boys. They got in some trouble, so their dad hung the bike up from the barn rafters where it hung for years. The bird's nest actually had an egg in it when they first got this bike in the shop.

If you are looking for bikes to buy, need some advice, or repairs on your bike, this is a great spot to go. If you are patriotic, this is a great place to be. If you just like looking at old bikes, well, you get the idea! Give it a visit soon, ok?